Google Chrome Crashes Unity Desktop

Scott Blair scott.blair at
Wed Mar 18 05:47:25 UTC 2015

On 03/17/2015 09:55 PM, Tommy Trussell wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 2:49 PM, John Hupp <ubuntu at 
> <mailto:ubuntu at>> wrote:
>     On 3/17/2015 3:16 PM, Amichai Rotman wrote:
>         Hi all,
>         I installed Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on on an Acer Aspire 5715Z (Intel
>         T2390 with 2Gb of RAM).
>         I am experiencing a weird problem:
>         Every time I open Google and visit the Extensions Gallery, the
>         whole Unity Desktop crashes. Restarting the LightDM service
>         doesn't help and I have to reboot the machine.
>         I tried to delete the profile directory under
>         $HOME/.local/google-chrome/ - same...
>         Another weird problem - every time I enter the desktop I have
>         to unlock the Login Keyring, although I have changed the
>         password to a blank password....
>         This is a friends computer, whom I convinced Ubuntu is the
>         best OS to replace Windows...
>         Any ideas?
>         Thanks!
>         Amichai.
>     The first thing I would try is disabling Chrome hardware
>     acceleration, at Settings: Show advanced settings: (un-check) Use
>     hardware acceleration when available.
>     I would not expect it to be related to the Login Keyring problem
>     though, unless that was crash damage.  (And I don't have any
>     advice about this second problem.)
> I know of an open bug for Chromium 
> But strangely enough on my hardware I haven't seen the crash (really 
> more of a screen lock-up) in plain Unity, in either Chrome or 
> Chromium.  In Chromium I noticed the crash only after I installed 
> alternative desktops -- lubuntu, xubuntu, kubuntu. I'm not sure which 
> one might have been the trigger, but I also had other problems with 
> screensavers and login managers seemingly stepping over each other.
I have had Chrome "lock up" my system <Ubuntu 14.04.2 Chrome version 
41.0.2272.89 (64 bit)> on several occasions. What I finally figure out 
was that a flash game that I played was doing it. Since I stopped 
keeping that game open in a tab when I'm not playing it or any other 
flash, I haven't had any lock ups.


Scott Blair

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