Colin Law
clanlaw at
Mon Jun 8 07:30:13 UTC 2015
On 8 June 2015 at 04:27, <jimkvg at> wrote:
>> Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2015 19:59:04 +0100
>> From: Colin Law <clanlaw at>
>> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions"
>> <ubuntu-users at>
>> Subject: Re: Nautilus+dropbox=problems
>> Message-ID:
>> <CAL=0gLtT5FtPS+2tvaNFK4_8Ji7z4rE6x8qg-cMZ2WmOZxQ0gw at>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>> On 7 June 2015 at 19:29, Vitor Manuel <vitor.s.moreira at> wrote:
>>> Since I updated to ubuntu 15.04 - 32 bit I have had problems on system
>>> when
>>> I access to dropbox.
>> Unless you give us more information it is unlikely we can help.
>> How did you install dropbox?
>> What problems are you having?
>> Colin
> This is the same problem I had in the first place. When I installed DropBox
> and opened it, a dialog box popped up stating that I must 'restart
> Nautilus'. When I clicked on it, my PC locked up! After several restarts
> of my PC, the Dropbox seemed to have improved, but some problems recur!
> when I clicked on a tiny icon symbolizing "DropBox" on the top bar to far
> right side, all icons on the screen disappeared! Everything else is ok.
> The side bar came out ok when I moved the mouse arrow close to it. When I
> clicked on one of pictures in my DropBox, it opened up ok. When I clicked
> on 'close', 'hide' or 'expand/reduce' the mouse arrow went frozen in its
> place. When I held 'ctrl' and 'alt' keys down and hit 'delete' key, my
> computer restarted ok, but no icons on the screen. I had to shut down my PC
> to start it up again to get all the icons back on. Everything else is ok,
> but not DropBox. Does it have bugs? Please help? Thank you. Jim
Sorry, I am confused. This thread was started by Vitor Manuel. Are
you saying Vitor is seeing exactly the same problem as you did? He
made no mention of missing icons etc.
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