Sharing an external drive

Colin Law clanlaw at
Wed Jan 28 09:03:29 UTC 2015

On 28 January 2015 at 02:50, Scott Blair <scott.blair at> wrote:
> I am running Ubuntu 14.04. I am trying to share a directory on an external
> drive on my network. All the other computers are Windows computers. The
> network is work-group. I have Samba installed. I have added force user =
> scott in it. I still get permission denied. The external drive is formatted
> ntfs according to Gparted. I have been working on this for 2 days now and I
> am getting nowhere with it. According to properties, the owner is Me the
> group is scott. This drive is automatically mounted when I boot up.

You have given us no clue as to how you are attempting to share it, or
under what circumstances you get the permission denied, or even on
which computer you are seeing the error.  Please describe exactly what
you are doing and what happens.


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