Erasing a CD-RW easily
Johnny Rosenberg
gurus.knugum at
Sun Jan 5 20:35:14 UTC 2014
2014/1/5 Liam Proven <lproven at>
> On 5 January 2014 20:06, Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knugum at> wrote:
> >
> > That's not what I'm looking for, but of course I can try it.
> >
> > Yes, that works, but I would prefer not having more icons on my desktop;
> I
> > already have too many of them…
> > But as a workaround it's OK until I find something better. Maybe I should
> > ask my question to the Ubuntu developers. They want Ubuntu to be easy to
> use
> > without complicating things for the user, don't they?
> Well, like I said, I don't think it is going to happen, because I am
> not sure it's possible. The Launcher, as I said, is not managed by
> Nautilus, so Nautilus' context menus do not appear there and they will
> never do, I think.
Just thought that since there are options like Eject, it could be possible.
> Try other disk-volume launcher icons - note that there is no menu for
> "format", "check" or anything like that.
Well, at least the Firefox icon has more options than many other icons, and
those extra options are Firefox specific (and the launcher isn't managed by
Firefox, right?), so it seems like the icon behaviour are at least somewhat
configurable in one way or another.
And I'm pretty sure that I have seen a web page where they describe how to
do this… I guess I just need to keep looking then.
Johnny Rosenberg
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> Liam Proven • Profile:
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