Erasing a CD-RW easily
Liam Proven
lproven at
Sun Jan 5 20:17:34 UTC 2014
On 5 January 2014 20:06, Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knugum at> wrote:
> That's not what I'm looking for, but of course I can try it.
> Yes, that works, but I would prefer not having more icons on my desktop; I
> already have too many of them…
> But as a workaround it's OK until I find something better. Maybe I should
> ask my question to the Ubuntu developers. They want Ubuntu to be easy to use
> without complicating things for the user, don't they?
Well, like I said, I don't think it is going to happen, because I am
not sure it's possible. The Launcher, as I said, is not managed by
Nautilus, so Nautilus' context menus do not appear there and they will
never do, I think.
Try other disk-volume launcher icons - note that there is no menu for
"format", "check" or anything like that.
Liam Proven • Profile:
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