encrypted partition being skipped or booting too fast

Jason Paul Joines jason at joines.org
Sat Jan 4 18:44:22 UTC 2014

    What tells the boot process to wait on password entry for an
encrypted device?


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: encrypted partition being skipped or booting too fast
From: Jason Paul Joines <jason at joines.org>
To: Ubuntu Users <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
Date: 2013.05.04.Sat.16:28:42
>     I'm using Kubuntu 12.04.2 with encrypted root and swap partitions
> along with an unencrypted boot partition.
>     Sometime within the past couple of weeks, hibernate functionality
> disappeared.  I'm not sure when because I usually use sleep and only use
> hibernate occasionally.  I figured a recent update had changed something
> but had no idea what.
>     Then I noticed that my swap was not active.  The "swapon -a" command
> failed with the error, "swapon: /dev/mapper/sda2_crypt: stat failed: No
> such file or directory".  This was easily remedied with "cryptsetup
> luksOpen /dev/sda2 sda2_crypt".
>     The next time I rebooted I was prompted for my password for the root
> partition which functioned normally, then for the swap partition. 
> However, as soon as I typed the first character of the password for the
> swap partition the machine booted and swap was not active.  I rebooted
> again and discovered that after prompting me for the swap partition
> password, the machine would boot pretty quickly even if I typed nothing
> at all.  In each case I can activate swap manually but it doesn't get
> activated at boot.
>     Any ideas?
> Jason
> ===========

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