
Rashkae ubuntu at
Sat Jan 4 19:50:06 UTC 2014

On 14-01-04 01:22 PM, MR ZenWiz wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 9:55 AM, Rashkae <ubuntu at> wrote:
>> I use Makemkv, and have been nothing but pleased with it.  I think you just
>> need to spend a bit more time with that program to figure it out.  (with one
>> exception, so far, the Expendables 2 BD had a very creative way of messing
>> with the rip software.  I just downloaded that movie instead.)
> I must be really stupid here.
> When I run makemkv, it recognizes the disc, and I can select the
> "Backup" tool to make a backup of the disc.
> But that does not create any .mkv files, AFAICT.
> If I click on the "Open files" icon, it wants to know which file to
> open (duh), but I don't know what to to point it at to get anything of
> value.

I opened Makemkv so I can document the steps.  It always 'just worked' 
for me, so I never realized how.. umm, un-intuitive the first step is.

Start Makemkv.

Select the correct drive from the drop down "source list"

Insert Movie (if not already here)

When the Disc Icon stops spinning, (and should now be in colour) click 
on that icon. (it's a big button.. alternative, from File, you can 
choose to Open Disc,, not file)

Makemkv will scan the disc for titles, and bring up a list with check 
marks in each one.  You can usually tell from the file sizes which are 
the titles you want.  For a movie, it's probably the only one over 
10GB.  for a TV series, there will probably be a number of large >1GB 
titles.  Uncheck the other stuff if you don't want to rip the extras.  
Optionally, expand each title and un-check the sound and subtitle tracks 
you don't want to include.  When you're happy with the selection, click 
the icon with an arrow pointing to a hard drive (Save selection to 

Make popcorn,, come back and watch fresh ripped movie.  Presumably you 
can stream into a video playing app rather than save to disc.  I never 
bothered, so have no idea what further quirks you might have to follow.

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