Xsane not working

Scott Blair scott.blair at gmail.com
Mon Dec 22 18:28:04 UTC 2014

On 12/22/2014 01:17 PM, NoOp wrote:
> sudo apt-get install cups-backend-bjnp
Here it is before backend:
scott at main:~$ xsane
[bjnp] create_broadcast_socket: bind socket to local address failed - 
Cannot assign requested address
scott at main:~$

Getting the same thing after install:
scott at main:~$ xsane
[bjnp] create_broadcast_socket: bind socket to local address failed - 
Cannot assign requested address
scott at main:~$

Here is the output from the install:

There near the bottom is a permission denied. Although it looks like 
Deluge my torrent
client. I don't know why that would be called.


Scott Blair

save on backup time BackUpDevice=null

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