Firefox problems

Jared Norris jrnorris at
Mon Dec 22 03:47:00 UTC 2014

On 22 December 2014 at 13:26, Bill Stanley <bstanle at> wrote:
> < snip >
> Updating did not go from Mint 16 - Petra (which I have), to Mint 17.   I
> am in the process of reinstalling using Mint 17.  Once I am done with
> that, I intend to try prebar.
> Thanks for all the good advice..
>  You're welcome. Be sure to try from a new FF profile.
>>  WS=> I think I was premature in thinking that I solved the problem with
> a full reinstall.  I installed the latest version of Mint/Mate which is
> 17.1.  When I tried using FF to visit I still have the same
> problem.  I then tried Opera and it too has the same problem.  Other
> websites that do not use flash are displayed correctly.
> I did some investigation into the plugins for firefox and the same old
> Shockwave Flash  version 11.2 r202is being used.  I am going to try prebar
> to see if that makes any difference.  Another option is to install Ubuntu
> (I hope you have the Mate option) and see what happens.  Since I dual boot
> with Windows, I also will see If Windows is affected ( I don't use Windows
> to surf the web, It isn't safe.).
I've just checked on my Ubuntu 14.10 and in Chrome (Version 39.0.2171.95)
there are no issues, I do have restricted extras and all normal updates
installed. To check what you are doing I also used Firefox (Version 34.0)
and it shows the page fine. When in Firefox though it won't show the
videos, it prompts me to install Flash Player to view the content. Other
than that the rest of the page displays fine.

Unless you are using some PPAs or other non standard repository I'd be
starting to think it might be a Mint issue as the standard web browsers
appear to work just fine for me.


Jared Norris
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