Skype woes

Karl Auer kauer at
Sun Aug 24 00:14:22 UTC 2014

On Sat, 2014-08-23 at 16:49 -0700, rikona wrote:
> ***There are two things that must be removed - skype and skype-bin.***
> Software center lists both but does not remove bin, which seems to be
> the critical thing to remove. I used software center to remove both,
> as two different uninstalls, then did an install and 4.3 came up
> working.

A search of my entire disk reveal nothing called "skype" or anything
containing "skype" in it's name, except for some things in places
like /usr/share - icons and the like. Certainly nothing executable and
no conf files. apt-get reports no such package installed when I try
"apt-get remove" on skype or skype-bin. Maybe my search was too
simplistic, or maybe I should have searched as root.

About all I can think now is that skype installs a library of some sort
that is lying around confusing the issue.

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (kauer at

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