Logwatch stopped working after I did something stupid

Cindy-Sue Causey butterflybytes at gmail.com
Fri Aug 22 20:44:57 UTC 2014

On 8/22/14, Knute Johnson <ubuntu at knutejohnson.com> wrote:
> So I was trying to clean up my /var/log directory and remove some of the
> older .gz files and I mistyped the rm command and erased all the files.
> Now logwatch doesn't send me an email any more, I'm assuming because
> there are no log files any more.  I thought they would just regenerate
> themselves but the base file must have to be there before the services
> write to the logs.  Is there a script or some simple way to recreate the
> base files?

I am NO EXPERT, never even used the program, just thinking along the
lines of what I might try in your Shoes.. I think my first step would
be to try to download the appropriate versioned archive (deb) of the
program. I'd then extract the missing "base files" if I knew exactly
what they were and where they went..

"--fix-missing" via apt-get is another I'd try but only seems to work
for me for initial incomplete downloads. May have no effect on a
completed install that's (accidentally) chipped away at afterward.

The first one, extracting is my dear friend here but may not be a
normally recommended avenue.. You have to be sure of what you're doing
because it would be just as easy to overwrite something as it was to
delete what was deleted.. Now that I say that, brings to mind there is
usually an option to write/not overwrite files during extraction via
archive managers, too.. :)

Cindy :)

Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with duct tape *

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