Desktop Organization

Liam Proven lproven at
Sun Aug 10 14:38:19 UTC 2014

On 10 August 2014 15:53, Robert Heller <heller at> wrote:
> Yes on one level.  OTHO, I am not sure how well the Unity desktop is going to
> be received by either *traditional* UNIX/Linux users OR ex-MS-Windows users.
> *I* don't like it -- I have been using some form of UNIX/Linux for like 40
> years.  (I don't partitularly like (Mac)OS-X either.)

Well, that one will run and run. I like it a lot myself, and despite
the switch, Ubuntu remains the #1 desktop/laptop distro. It's a
simple, easy interface and it does everything I need.

And FWIW, I'm an old-timer too -- I've been using Windows since v2.0
and Unix since SCO Xenix 2 on an IBM PC-AT.

But the Win95 desktop only came along in 1995. There was nothing else
like it before then.

So while I like the Win9x UI fine, I'm not wedded to it. I was using
GUIs 6 or 7 years before it came out.

If people want to choose something else -- something that is a rip-off
of the Win95 interface -- they are free to do so, of course, and there
are lots of distros to accomodate that. In the Ubuntu family, Lubuntu
and Kubuntu look like Win9x out of the box, and Xubuntu can easily be
made to.

Outside of the official remixes, there are Linux Mint with Cinnamon --
another direct rip-off -- and Mint with Maté which, like XFCE, can be
made to look Windows-like, plus Zorin OS, Peppermint Linux, and even
arguably Bodhi Linux with Englightenment 17 which comes with several
Windows-like layouts.

But I think there is a strong case to make for just trying the "real
thing", the official standard Ubuntu, and seeing if the user can
adapt. Suggesting adding multiple desktops to a single install is
/not/ newbie-friendly!

Liam Proven • Profile:
Email: lproven at • GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
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