Desktop Organization
Robert Heller
heller at
Sun Aug 10 13:53:57 UTC 2014
At Sun, 10 Aug 2014 14:47:53 +0200 "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at> wrote:
> On 9 August 2014 20:59, Robert Heller <heller at> wrote:
> > Sure, just like with (Mac)OS-X. The *impression* I get from the OP is that he
> > is probably coming from a mess-windows world and not a Mac world ("I am a PC,
> > not a Mac")
> Yes, I agree, that is my impression too.
> > and is thinking of the (Unity) launcher as part of the desktop --
> > it is not.
> Yes, that too.
> > I was only *suggesting* that maybe installing one of the other
> > desktop systems might result in a more 'confortable' (familiar) user
> > experience (i.e. one more similar to what the OP was used to, with a typical
> > 'start up menu' in the lower left corner with one (or more) 'panels' with the
> > usually connection of applets and a desktop in the middle.
> I know that. I understood what you wrote. You don't need to explain it
> to me again.
> What I am saying is that this is /not good advice./
> The OP is apparently something of a Linux novice; suggesting
> installing entire other complex suites of software just to get a
> feature that the desktop they already have actually supports is not
> constructive or helpful. It is akin to answering the question "how to
> I open the fuel cap on my Vauxhall car?" with "trade it in for a BMW."
> Do you see what I mean?
Yes on one level. OTHO, I am not sure how well the Unity desktop is going to
be received by either *traditional* UNIX/Linux users OR ex-MS-Windows users.
*I* don't like it -- I have been using some form of UNIX/Linux for like 40
years. (I don't partitularly like (Mac)OS-X either.)
Robert Heller -- 978-544-6933
Deepwoods Software -- Custom Software Services -- Linux Administration Services
heller at -- Webhosting Services
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