Probably stupid question, but

Pete Smout smoutpete at
Thu Sep 5 08:06:00 UTC 2013

@google hope you enjoyed reading this, It had nothing to do with you!
sent from my HTC.
On Sep 5, 2013 8:52 AM, "Patrick Asselman" <iceblink at> wrote:
> On 2013-09-04 22:39, Robert Holtzm wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 04, 2013 at 08:38:17AM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
>>        ........snip.......
>>> I am 100% with Patrick on this. NM is NOT ready for prime time, chase it
>>> out of the barn with a load of buckshot in its behind & don't let it
>>> on the property until it can play nice.
>> I accept the fact that you've had problems w/ NM, but how do you account
>> for the thousands of users who use it successfully every day? If it
>> were wide spread I would think there would be a flood of messages on
>> this list and on the forums. But then what do I know?
> For your amusement, here is the result of 5 seconds on Google:
> But please note that all of those links are a few years old.
> What seems to have happened is that more and more people used Linux on
laptops, and there was no tool for properly handling wifi connections. NM
did that bit pretty well, so it was added to Linux... but it seems they
forgot that NM was maybe not the best thing for some non-wifi applications.
> NM seems to have matured now, and it is probably a great tool, unifying
network setup in all the different distros.
> Maybe it was introduced too soon.
> Or maybe we should just accept that such a unification process will
always burn a minority before becoming an improvement for (almost) everyone.

Just to say that I have been using NM since it was introduced, I have never
had a problem connecting! I have had problems using other distros, ones not
using NM, infact some distros, I installed to try out, never made it onto
the net at all, one I tried (i won't name it as it was 2 or 3 yrs ago, and
I'm sure it has got better,) not even when plugged straight into the router!

My point is that this is a real deal breaker for new / inexperienced users,
and the fact that WiFi 'just worked' was a major reason for me choosing
ubuntu in the first place!

Now my knowledge / experience has grown it wouldn't scare me so much, but
as a newbie it was a instant turn off!

One happy NM user


Peter Smout
> Best regards,
> Patrick
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