Ctrl+Alt minimises the active window.

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at gmail.com
Sat Oct 26 18:49:27 UTC 2013

2013/10/26 Avi Greenbury <lists at avi.co>

> Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
> >
> > Still didn't find it. Just to get it to work somewhat, I
> > reconfigured all the shortcuts for cube rotation and grid plugin,
> > replacing all Ctrl+Alt with Super and Shift+Ctrl+Alt with
> > Shift+Super.
> Glad it's working, even if it's a bit of a workaround.

Well, it's ”working”… :P
And there is a spelling error… I meant Ctrl+Super, not Shift+Super…

> > Seems like COmpiz for 12.04 is extremely buggy. I saw it mentioned in
> > another thread back in 2012, and some of the bugs should be corrected
> > by now, but those corrections are NOT implemented in Ubuntu 12.04, so
> > why use a LTS?
> Which bugs are these? Normally the comments subtly explain why any fixes
> have not made it beyond a patch attached to a bugreport.

There are quite a few. One of them is that the Grid plugin doesn't work
properly (it did in Ubuntu 10.10). When I move a window to the right or
left (Ctrl+Super+4 or Ctrl+Super+6), the window size should change for each
time I press these keys, just as it does for upper right, upper left, lower
right and lower left, but the window size seems locked to half the desktop

> > I am not sure what to install instead, though. Mint with Maté seems
> > like a good choice, but sooner or later I will probably want GTK+3.
> > Cinnamon should then be a good choice, but it's said to be slow,
> > even slower than Unity, and compiz is not supported (which I don't
> > need, I just want it…).
> Are you basically after a UI that looks like 2007, or do you have some
> special requirements? Unity's not noticeably laggy here (this isn't a
> *highly* specced laptop) and your use of compiz hints at a
> graphically-capable machine anyway.

Well, everything I do now that involves Unity is slower than it was with
Ubuntu 10.10. Searching for files with Launch Panel → Home → Files and
Folders takes very long each time, it doesn't seem to learn at all which
files I often use. And files that doesn't have anything to do with the text
I type shows up for no reason at all. In Ubuntu 10.10 I had my recent files
conveniently available. I also need to move the mouse a lot more with Unity
than with Gnome 2.

My machine isn't very capable (a 32-bit laptop, 2 GB RAM, 1,6 GHz dual
core, bought in late 2006), but Compiz worked fine with Ubuntu 10.10, so I
think it wouldn't be too much to ask for that it should still work with
12.04. The cube moves smoothly, but if I add a lot of plugins to it, which
I don't, it will lag.

> > Could work a lot better than it does on this one, because my
> > graphic's card is blacklisted for Unity 3D use (I added some line in some
> > configuration file to override that, though). Maybe that's why I
> > have at least some of my problems… Well, way off topic, anyway… I
> > guess I just like typing…
> What's your graphics card? If it's one that's poorly supporting
> of/supported by Linux then you're likely to have problems whatever you use.

Unless I use Ubuntu 7.04 – 10.10. Worked well with those versions.
It's a Nvidia GeForce Go 7300.

Johnny Rosenberg

> --
> Avi
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