How to check drive health

Kevin O'Gorman kogorman at
Tue Nov 19 17:32:07 UTC 2013

I have a laptop that dual boots Xubuntu 12.04.  Windows says it has
detected a drive error and keeps prompting me to take a backup.  It's
backup software does not seem to like my 2TB backup disks, and I
wouldn't really trust it anyway, so I've taken full backups with
Xubuntu.  Windows of course has no idea I've done that and keeps
bugging me.  Too bad that I need it at all.

However, I'd like to check on the status of the drive but I don't seem
to have any utilities that will report the SMART information.  Or I
don't know their names.

What should I be running / installing?

Kevin O'Gorman

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