Nagios web interface stops working after upgrade to 13.10.

Ben Coleman oloryn at
Tue Nov 19 17:38:57 UTC 2013

On 11/19/2013 12:24 PM, Ben Coleman wrote:
> I use the Nagios package that is in the Ubuntu repository.  After
> upgrading to Ubuntu 13.10, the web interface to Nagios no longer works -
> instead of coming back with a normal web page, the browser prompts you
> to download a file called 'download'.  I purged and re-installed nagios,
> just in case this was something that happened in the upgrade, but I get
> the same results.  It looks like the problem is that the Content-Type of
> the returned page is application/x-httpd-php insted of text/html.  Any
> ideas what could be causing this?

I've got this figured out.  This web server normally uses the suphp
module for running PHP.  I switched over to the normal PHP5 module, and
it works OK.

Ben Coleman oloryn at | For the wise man, doing right trumps     | looking right.  For the fool, looking
Amateur Radio NJ8J              | right trumps doing right.

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