[Introduction] Start Ubuntu Project

Ali Linx (amjjawad) amjjawad at gmail.com
Mon Jul 8 19:18:03 UTC 2013

On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 7:08 PM, pete smout <psmouty at live.com> wrote:

> On 05/07/13 07:52, Patrick Asselman wrote:
>> On 2013-07-04 19:18, Ali Linx (amjjawad) wrote:
>>> Dear members and users of Ubuntu and all its flavors,
>>> May I introduce myself?
>>> May name is Ali (AKA Ali Linx and/or amjjawad) and I'm a Team Leader
>>> in Lubuntu Team - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/**amjjawad/<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/>[1]
>>> I'd like to introduce a project that has been started since March,
>>> 2013 but I did not get the time to send it to all of you, plus, it was
>>> on the early stages. Now, I think this step is important as everyone
>>> needs to be involved, IMHO :)
>>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/**Lubuntu/CommunicationsTeam/**
>>> WOWLubuntu/StartUbuntu<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/CommunicationsTeam/WOWLubuntu/StartUbuntu>
>>> [2]
>>> On the above link/Wiki Page, you will find all the details that you
>>> need to know as of now.
>>> Regardless of the technical details of this project, myself and my
>>> team (Lubuntu) think it is better that all the teams need to be
>>> involved. This project has two major advantage.
>>> 1- Provide a very good alternative for Windows XP Users.
>>> 2- Spread the word of Ubuntu and all its flavor.
>>> Personally, whenever I want to start a project, I try to play on many
>>> different lines. So, the big target is to reach Windows XP Users but
>>> at the very same time, it will be a great way to spread the word even
>>> to those who are using other versions of Windows like 7 and 8 :)
>>> It is time to reach to more people. It is the time to spread the word
>>> of Linux. It is time to show our real strength.
>>> Yes, we can do it. No doubt about that.
>>> If you are interested, you can find all the details
>>> here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/**Lubuntu/CommunicationsTeam/**
>>> WOWLubuntu/StartUbuntu<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/CommunicationsTeam/WOWLubuntu/StartUbuntu>
>>> [2]
>>> Also, please, feel free to contact me :)
>>> By the way, just to keep you up-to-date just in case you missed that.
>>> The Council of Munich City in Germany is planning to distribute 2000
>>> CDs of Lubuntu to the people of Munich.
>>> The French Government has started to use Ubuntu on their Police Station.
>>> The Spanish Government is planning to do the same.
>>> All these good news should motivate us to do more and give more so
>>> let's have some fun, shall we?
>>> Thank you so much!
>>> --
>>>  "All of us are smarter than any one of us."
>>> AMJJAWAD [1]
>> An admirable initiative, very good!
>> If I may place one comment though: I would not communicate to the XP
>> users that they need to choose between 8 options. They will not just be
>> "dazzled", they will be confused! Just give them *one* very good option,
>> which for them is probably the one that looks most like what they are
>> already used to. If they like this enough, some of them will venture out
>> to other flavours at their own intiative.
>> Most importantly, this one option should Just Work (tm) and Just Keep
>> Working (tm), and also Just Do Everything They Want (tm).
>> What do XP users do? Browse internet, send emails, chat, download,
>> create, view and print some office documents. Mind you, their friends
>> and family will not all be switching at the same time, so if an uncle
>> sends a powerpoint 2013 presentation it should Just Show Smoothly in
>> "Smart Ubuntu" and not spend 30 seconds converting and then show half of
>> the presentation in a chunky stop-and-go fashion. Now you and I both
>> realise that this is not something Ubuntu can manage, but They Don't
>> Know (tm) and They Don't Wanna Know (tm). Remember that!  So this will
>> not be an easy task fixed with 90% marketing and 10% patching up a
>> standard Ubuntu flavour, you'll need to do much more work than that.
>> What do they hate? Virus scanners, malware scanners, updates, and other
>> 'geeky stuff' that should really be under-the-hood instead of
>> in-their-face. If you can make the install a one button click, after
>> which everything will run smoothly, they will love it. If you ask more
>> than 10 questions during install, they will start to sigh, no matter how
>> easy the questions. If you ask anything complicated (network settings,
>> partitioning, boot manager) you will at that point have lost them.
>> Remember that lots of people had to take a course to use Windows XP and
>> still struggle to do simple stuff like sending an email. If you can make
>> something that is attractive to those persons, you will have a good
>> product.
>> You will need to do better than Windows XP, just as good will not be
>> good enough! Not easy, but XP is old, so it *can* be done.
>> Please do keep us informed on this wonderful initiative :-)
>> Best regards,
>> Patrick Asselman
>>  Hi,
> I agree withe the idea, and I will offer all the time and help I have to
> this goal.


Thank you and your help and support is highly appreciated :)

> However I do feel 8 options is too many, particularly to the numerous
> small and medium size businesses who 'just want to do their job'.

That Wiki Page is just for us :)

Windows XP Users should not see it :)

We will give them one option. But, we will show them more than just one.
They need to make their own choice. They need to learn and understand their
very first lesson. "Make you own choice". That is lesson no.1 :D

IMHO, that is not a bad idea. If they will be offered to make their own
choice, they will like it. Humans like freedom, specially, if they haven't
seen it in 10 years, if you know what I mean ;)

I wonder if a XP lookalike styled GUI is the answer, then we can through
> links and references in the help / wiki introduce the far more efficient
> GUI's we all know and love / hate & debate about regularly :)

Federico Leoni, has started something like that or willing to:


However, IMHO, these should NOT replace the default layout.
Again, please, let's start teaching and educating them to think
differently. Linux is not Windows. Giving them Windows XP typical Skin may
help in away to make life easier but then, we would never gain new Linux
Users. We will have Windows Users using Linux that looks like Windows. I
don't know about you but for me, this is not how I approach Windows Users
nor how I educate them :)

> My reasoning for the above argument is that business users will not have /
> wont to devote the time / money into retraining everyone who comes into
> contact with a PC in their working life. (Even if that training can be done
> in 10 mins that still adds up over the whole company to alot of lost man
> hours!)

Are we talking about Companies and business versions of the OS? that is
totally different story. I'm not sure how prepared are we? anyway, for
Business, ONLY LTS versions must be used. Giving them a system with 9
months support is not good idea, I'm afraid.

We are targeting individuals :)
Don't dream big. Don't aim for success, just do what you like and carry on
with that and success will eventually come :)
If we managed to reach as many individuals as possible, that is a huge
Of course, reaching to companies is even better but let's take this step by

I will meet you on the start ubuntu page and discuss this further!
If you will join Lubuntu Communications Mailing List, we can discuss over
there too. That is why we have a specific area to discuss more about this

> Hope to see some more people off this list their, to grab this valuable
> opportunity to educate / empower people to leave the world of overpriced
> software and tech support behind and move the economy forward.
> Pete S
Well, I do hope more people will join us. IMHO, if everyone invite his
friends and tell them about this project, that is an achievement and
success too :)

So many people interested, so few who really join. Too bad.


"All of us are smarter than any one of us."

*Best Regards,*
*amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/>*
*Start Ubuntu<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/CommunicationsTeam/WOWLubuntu/StartUbuntu>
*My Own Business <http://alilinx.blogspot.com/>*
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