Slow disk I/O - was Re: Seeking Help

Rashkae ubuntu at
Wed Jan 23 14:00:13 UTC 2013

On 01/23/2013 08:27 AM, geoff at wrote:

> Who cares. The downloads and my internet connection are not the cause of
> the 6 hour install time, or the 20 minute apt-get update. The problem is
> I/O to the hard drives through the motherboard. It appears that something
> is not configured correctly in the Bios or that the kernel does not detect
> a setting correctly and the result is very slow performing drives. Take a
> look at the pastebin and note the result of "time apt-get update". 22
> seconds to download the data files, 19 minutes to process them. There is
> no internet connection issue.

Ah well, sorry for the noise.  Unfortunately, I can't determine from the 
pastebin what might be wrong,, nor do I have the same hardware/software 
I can compare with for you, so I'll bow out.

Cheers, and good luck.

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