firefox run from 12.10 dvd

Colin Law clanlaw at
Thu Jan 17 20:51:18 UTC 2013

On 17 January 2013 17:06, Pravin Singh <singhprook at> wrote:
>  [sig snipped, it is a bit unusual to have the sig at the top, it is a bit of a nuisance to have to snip it out when replying.]
> Hello. I am running ubuntu from dvd, but firefox freezes after
> starting. I am forced to quit it. I have set up proxy settings in
> firefox and also in network settings.  these are identical to my
> fedora settings. Im really fedup with fedora. But not having internet
> access is a huge problem. So iam confused, if it doesnt work of the
> dvd, then it shouldnt work if i install?. Can anyone help.  safe mode
> dont work either?

Is it a flash issue?  In other words is it just pages containing flash
that give the problem?  If you think it may be then install the
flashblock addin to firefox (Tools > Add-ons > Get Addons and search
for flashblock), which will prevent it automatically showing the
flash, and that will prove whether that is the issue.  If so then we
can determine a solution.


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