Slow Unity

Pete Smout smoutpete at
Tue Dec 31 11:37:16 UTC 2013

Hi all,

Hope you all had a great festive period!

I have retuned to my trusty old laptop today, and it seems slow, not in 
functionality but in the use of the dash (the menu / search that pops up 
when the <super> key is pressed). Symptoms are that when the key is 
pressed I get an empty dash, and about 10 -15 secs later it starts to be 
populated, files n folders first then apps. I know I've been away for a 
few days but this seems excessive and the biggest advantage of Unity for 
me is the ability to open up apps with the press of a few keys (i.e. for smplayer).

Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me?

running 13.10 (fully updated) 64bit

CPU Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU T5250 @ 1.50GHz × 2

Ram 2.9Gib

Video Intel® 965GM

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or solutions

Happy new year to you all

Pete S

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