Probably stupid question, but
Liam Proven
lproven at
Wed Aug 28 12:41:51 UTC 2013
On 28 August 2013 03:08, Doug <dmcgarrett at> wrote:
> There isn't a 64-bit version. A few distros have packaged it with
> 32-bit libraries, and you can install it--I think Ubuntu may be one
> such. But the rest of us using, say, PCLOS, are out of luck on
> 64-bit systems.
Most modern distros support Multiarch, meaning that you can run x86-32
code on an x86-64 OS.
I do not know about PCLOS; this is an Ubuntu list. PCLOS is a fork of
Mandriva, effectively a dead distro at this point. Mandriva long long
ago forked off Red Hat Linux and that is itself dead.
I have evaluated and reviewed Mandrake, Mandriva and PCLOS, and my
conclusion was "don't use them; Ubuntu is superior". I have not looked
in the last year or two but I have not seen, heard or read of any
reason to change my conclusion from then.
If you prefer it, fine, good for you; enjoy. But I don't think you
will find much help or guidance in this community, I'm afraid.
Liam Proven • Profile:
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