"reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key"

compdoc compdoc at hotrodpc.com
Tue Aug 20 19:26:39 UTC 2013

> want to backup the data in this harddrive, i remove it out from the PC
chasis and put into an external harddrive case and USB connect it to another
working server, but can't access to the harddrive.


I would put the drive back into PC it came from, and boot Ubuntu Live to see
what you can find about the drive. 


Really doubtful anyone would have hacked into your server and damaged the
drive in some way. 


Computer motherboards do go bad, and so do computer power supplies. With
only a DVD drive attached, can you boot Ubuntu from a DVD?


Might be best to take it somewhere for repairs.



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