"reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key"

Qiubo Su (David Su) qiubosu at gmail.com
Tue Aug 20 19:18:39 UTC 2013

Dear Sir,

Thanks for your advice.

the harddrive didn't have hard shock or dropped. it may be due to high

want to backup the data in this harddrive, i remove it out from the PC
chasis and put into an external harddrive case and USB connect it to
another working server, but can't access to the harddrive.

what can this tell us? is the harddrive still ok? if not, can it be fixed?

moreover, this server is running in a SOHO environment, i.e. it is within a
LAN through DHCP running on a NAT router through a NAT modem to Internet.
could it be possible that some one hack into this server from Internet and
"broke" the harddrive?

it is really a big trouble at the moment. your advice and help is much

thanks kindly,

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 11:23 PM, compdoc <compdoc at hotrodpc.com> wrote:

> > Are there any tools, e.g. Ubuntu rescue tool etc, can help to bring
> this harddrive to life?****
> ** **
> One valuable tool is the SMART info recording built into most hard drives.
> You can use the Disk Utility gui, or the smartctl command line program to
> read SMART. ****
> ** **
> In the 'raw' data column, if there are any Reallocated Sector Counts,
> Current Pending Sector Counts, or Uncorrectable Sector Counts then the
> drive needs to be replaced. ****
> ** **
> There may be other relevant counts too - for instance some drives record
> if the they have been subjected to hard shocks like being dropped, or high
> temperatures. ****
> ** **
> ** **
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