Blank Updates status

John R. Sowden jsowden at
Sat Aug 17 20:31:16 UTC 2013

On 08/17/2013 11:58 AM, Nils Kassube wrote:
> John R. Sowden wrote:
>> I am surprised that we are not hearing feedback re: the blank updates.
>> Is canonical testing us to see if we are gullible enough to just
>> download anything?  Is this a survey to test our level of concern re:
>> security?
> In what way did you inform Canonical about the problem that you expect a
> feedback from them? And why do you ask here? This is a list where Ubuntu
> users can get technical support from other Ubuntu users. Please don't
> expect Canonical to watch this list.
> BTW: There was a reply to your previous thread with a link to a bug
> report where a workaround was mentioned. Did that not work for you?
> Nils
Sounds like we're in the 'shooting the messenger' mode.

1a) I saw a message re: the bug.  I went where the link sent me.  I read 
that 'yes, there is a problem', but I saw nothing else.

1b) I expect feedback from the correct source (uk to me) to the users as 
to how this is being handled, and what we should be doing in the mean time.

2) I mention it here, because  'we' are users, and I consider this of 
interest and importance to the users (see above).

3) If this were a users list of my customers re: the service my company 
provides (no ad included), I would scan it often to make sure that their 
concerns are being addressed, but that is just my opinion re: my company.

4) Since I did not see a work around on the bug report, I did not 
execute it, and therefore would not know if it worked.


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