Cheese question

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Sat Aug 10 14:02:44 UTC 2013

On Saturday 10 August 2013 09:47:00 Nils Kassube did opine:

> Gene Heskett wrote:
> > In fact, cheese would run it as a machine vision device, IF Cheese had
> > the ability to super a set of crosshairs over the image, and I could
> > cobble up a truly rigid mount for it on the head of my milling
> > machine. That would likely involved dis-emboweling it from plastic &
> > machining the mount, very little problem for me since I have a small
> > cnc driven milling machine.
> > 
> > But, has the latest Cheese grown a crosshair super feature?
> Maybe not, but a quick search [1] brought up [2]. Especially have a look
> at comment #2. Disclaimer: I didn't try it myself.
> > Its worthless without that.
> As worthless as a milling machine that can't make coffee?
That depends, I didn't buy the mill to make coffee, there is always the Mr. 
Coffee for that, brewing right now in fact.
> Nils
> [1] <>
> [2]
> <>

Unforch, this old fart is a one language person.  I can read enough German 
on a schematic to fix a Telefunken radio, but that 2nd link needs a 
translation before I can get anything out of it.  My fault of course, but 
then I was born when the last century was only 34 years old.  They had 
French and Spanish as the other language choices in the '40's & I took 
algebra, then quit & went to work fixing them new-fangled tv's, then later 
tv stations as the Chief, and often only engineer.

Cheers, Gene
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