Slow 12.04 on a Netbook with LVMs

Liam Proven lproven at
Thu Apr 25 15:45:08 UTC 2013

On 25 April 2013 15:20, Tom H <tomh0665 at> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 10:41 PM, Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:
>> On 24 April 2013 18:35, Amichai Rotman <amichai at> wrote:
>>> I have an Asus EeePC running 12.04.2 set up with 3 Pencrypted partitions:
>>> One for the / (System); One for swap and one for /home
>>> The system becomes slower and slower. I noticed that the encrypted
>>> partitions are set up as extended (=not primary). I read somewhere that that
>>> slows down the file access.
>>> I want to redo the installation, and I have a few questions:
>>> Can I use an external hard drive formatted as NTFS to backup the files on
>>> /home (ext4)?
>>> I want to create only primary type partitions, I remember that it asks for
>>> an extended type partition when configuring the encryption.
>>> I'd like to create the swap space as a file, not a partition.
>>> It's a 160Gb SATA drive. I need as much space as possible for my Data files.
>>> What would be the best way to partition the drive?
>>> What's the best way to configure the LVMs?
>> P.S. there is a script somewhere which will automatically
>> create/resize/remove swapfiles *on demand* but I can't remember the
>> name and it is not readily Googleable. I think it was called
>> "swapfiles" -- all one word -- or something like that, but it's late &
>> I can't find it.
> apt-get install swapspace
> It sets up swap files on the fly as needed like OS X.

That's the one!

If you are at all concerned about performance, though, do not put
swapfiles on an encrypted partition. zRam would be preferable in that

Aside: I wonder if zRam and Swapspace would work together...?

Liam Proven • Profile:
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