Slow 12.04 on a Netbook with LVMs

Tom H tomh0665 at
Thu Apr 25 14:20:46 UTC 2013

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 10:41 PM, Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:
> On 24 April 2013 18:35, Amichai Rotman <amichai at> wrote:
>> I have an Asus EeePC running 12.04.2 set up with 3 Pencrypted partitions:
>> One for the / (System); One for swap and one for /home
>> The system becomes slower and slower. I noticed that the encrypted
>> partitions are set up as extended (=not primary). I read somewhere that that
>> slows down the file access.
>> I want to redo the installation, and I have a few questions:
>> Can I use an external hard drive formatted as NTFS to backup the files on
>> /home (ext4)?
>> I want to create only primary type partitions, I remember that it asks for
>> an extended type partition when configuring the encryption.
>> I'd like to create the swap space as a file, not a partition.
>> It's a 160Gb SATA drive. I need as much space as possible for my Data files.
>> What would be the best way to partition the drive?
>> What's the best way to configure the LVMs?
> P.S. there is a script somewhere which will automatically
> create/resize/remove swapfiles *on demand* but I can't remember the
> name and it is not readily Googleable. I think it was called
> "swapfiles" -- all one word -- or something like that, but it's late &
> I can't find it.

apt-get install swapspace

It sets up swap files on the fly as needed like OS X.

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