desktop b0rken: was Re: X not working on precise

Avi Greenbury lists at
Thu Sep 13 13:47:17 UTC 2012

Dave Howorth wrote:
> Another thing the upgrade has broken is the desktop. I was using lxdm
> and lxde.

Was this installed by installing the lubuntu-desktop package, or did
you install the components individually?

> I now see a different login screen (presumably lightdm?) that
> doesn't appear to have any method to select desktop session type and
> that logs me into something that says "Ubuntu Desktop". I don't know
> what that is (though I have my suspicions) but it definitely isn't lxde :(

It's Unity. If, at the login screen, you look to the right of your
username there should be a little gear logo, click on that and you
should get a drop-down offering you a choice of desktop environment.
Your choice here will be preserved as a default.

If you'd like to make lxdm the default dm again, run

dpkg-reconfigure lxdm

and it'll ask you which to use, assuming it's still installed (which
it should be).

> So, grr grr grr, why has the upgrade broken my desktop! And I suppose
> I'll have to start googling for ways to fix that now unless some kind
> soul can point me in the right direction?

Assuming the above doesn't help, what does:

  dpkg -l | egrep '(lubuntu|lxde|lxdm)'

give you? Either way, this is undesirable behaviour, it would be good
to file a bug against the updater (and check whether anyone else has
reported similar).


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