Pros/cons relative to gtk and qt

Marius Gedminas marius at
Thu Nov 29 13:14:27 UTC 2012

On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 04:12:22PM -0800, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
> I've inherited a project that was originally developed under gtk-2.0.
> I see that the libraries are still in the repos, although version 3 is
> also available.
> I've got essentially no experience in direct GUI programming outside
> of Java AWT and Swing, so I'm asking advice.  The existing UI is
> pretty crude, so I'll probably be working with it for a while.
> Should I go with gtk2, or step up to 3?

I'd be inclined to upgrade to Gtk+ 3.  Gtk+ 2 apps look a bit out of place
in a desktop that otherwise uses Gtk+ 3 (the theming engines are
different, and therefore so are the themes).

> What are the strengths of qt as opposed, say, to qt 3 or 4?  Not that
> I expect to switch, but I'd like to get more of an idea why I'm where
> I am.

I believe the usual list is: Qt uses C++ while Gtk+ uses C.  Qt provides
more features, while Gtk+ focuses on the GUI.  Qt might work better for
cross-platform applications.  Documentation might be more extensive.

I haven't used Qt myself, and any Gtk+ I've worked with was through its
Python bindings, not native C.  I like Gtk+ myself.

Marius Gedminas
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