broken libqt4-dbus on 10-04 LTS
Gene Heskett
gheskett at
Fri Nov 2 22:29:50 UTC 2012
On Friday 02 November 2012 18:25:25 Colin Law did opine:
> On 2 November 2012 21:55, Gene Heskett <gheskett at> wrote:
> > On Friday 02 November 2012 17:41:35 Colin Law did opine:
> >> ...
> >>
> >> I presume you have done
> >> sudo apt-get update
> >
> > Reloading the data in synaptic did NOT seem to effect this.
> >
> > Doing the apt-get update, then restarting synaptic made it available
> > as a re-install option
> So not having done apt-get update after modifying sources.list back to
> what it should have been allowed the re-install to go ahead?
Yes, several reloads in Synaptic did not effect that, but the apt-get
update did. I was under the impression that synaptic had total access to
anything apt-get did. Obviously I was wrong in that assumption.
I have since rebooted, without fixing this problem.
> >, which I did, and which didn't effect the results, most
> >
> > of my menu's are there, but do nothing when clicked on. Is this
> > something that might require a reboot? Come to think of it, this
> > started with the last reboot, something forced on me by excessive
> > swap usage that a "swapoff -a; swapon -a" that I need to do about
> > weekly, but after about 3 weeks, the heavy swap usage comes back in
> > half an hour and I give up & reboot the beast. Uptime is currently
> > in the 2nd day. I'll send this, and reboot just for S&G.
> >
> >> Otherwise I am out of my depth I am afraid.
> >
> > Sounds like its launchpad time then, but I've no clue what my login
> > and passwd are, its been at least a year, maybe more.
> I meant that if apt-get update did not fix the apt-get problem then I
> was out of my depth, which apparently I was not.
> The subject of this thread was why you could not reinstall the package
> so this thread appears to be solved.
Yes, but the problem itself, that started this thread is not solved. :(
Thanks Colin.
Cheers, Gene
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