Can't log into Ubuntu

Colin Law clanlaw at
Thu Jul 5 07:21:38 UTC 2012

On 5 July 2012 01:50, Nick Bikkal <29.whitesnake at> wrote:
> On 7/4/2012 4:57 PM, Colin Law wrote:
>> oping you get this.
>>  From the messages you have obviously run out of space in the partition
>> containing your Ubuntu /home directories.  If you open a terminal and
>> type
>> df
>> It will show the space used and that available in each partition.
>> Colin
> Colin, Jared and all who answered,
> Thank you for the answers. Unfortunately a lot of this is past news. I
> installed Ubuntu 12.04 about a month ago using Wubi. I had no luck creating
> and installing Ubuntu using a live CD. I now have an option to buy a copy at
> a local store.

Buying a copy from a local store will just give you the same CD that
you can download (or an out of date one).  It will not fix any issues
you had with the install.  If you try again to install and tell us
what the problem is we may be able to help.

> I will now look to reinstalling Ubuntu and giving myself more disk space,
> something I thought I had done before. Am I going to lose all my settings
> and downloaded programs?

Yes if you do a full install.  Do I understand from the above that you
have been talking all this time about a wubi install?  If so then I do
not know whether there is a way of recovering the data.  If this is
not a wubi install then you can boot off the live CD and access the
data in the Ubuntu partition, or there are ways of re-installing
without loosing data, or you could just increase the partition size
and may not need to re-install at all.  So the critical question is
whether this is a wubi install we are talking about.


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