gnome-applet-volume-control is a huge usability regression
Gene Heskett
gheskett at
Sun Aug 19 23:27:14 UTC 2012
On Sunday 19 August 2012 19:10:54 Liam Proven did opine:
> On 19 August 2012 19:07, Gene Heskett <gheskett at> wrote:
> > On Sunday 19 August 2012 14:00:26 Liam Proven did opine:
> >> On 19 August 2012 18:27, Gene Heskett <gheskett at> wrote:
> >> > Have I the only 10-04.4 LTS system on the planet that does this?
> >>
> >> Yes, I suspect you are.
> >>
> >> Is this, once again, your machine running the ancient kernel with the
> >> realtime patch?
> >
> > Yes, 2.6.32-122-rtai
> >
> > I should add that I have this same install on 2 of the D525MW
> > motherboards, and have not observed this alternate user on reboot
> > thing behaviour on them, although they don't run kmail either.
> >
> > I also have it installed on my laptop, an elderly HP with a single
> > core 64 bit turion brain, which I occasionally use on the road for
> > email & browsing, but its been 2-3 months since it was booted &
> > likely numerous updates behind.
> I've said this before, but my suggestion is:
> By all means, keep the RT kernel on your milling-machine-control box,
> but on the others, that don't need to be R/T hard, then please,
> please, upgrade them to the linux-generic-lts-backport-oneiric kernel
> and then do an apt-get dist-upgrade on them. I'm sure of your problems
> will just go away if you do.
> You'll still be running the same OS on all the machines.
Except that I won't be able to test gcode, and machine configurations on a
real linuxcnc, very useful before I export a feature or gcode to the
machines that will carve something besides virtual air.
For those features that do not require feedback from the machine, it allows
me to sit in a comfy office rocker and concentrate on the code, instead of
my aching back or dry hip sockets.
You see, LinuxCNC, when driving a stepper motor driven machine, only has
one view of the machine, the commands it told it to are assumed to have
been performed, there is no feedback to verify that the motor actually
moved. So the machine itself is only needed if your actually want to carve
steel, meaning I can exercise gcode for preview purposes all I want, in sit
down comfort. That is worth at least a case of bottled beer to me. That,
FWIW, would last me for about 2 weeks. :)
Thanks, Liam.
Cheers, Gene
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