how to change DNS settings network manager over writes every thing

Abhishek Dixit abhidixit87 at
Wed Oct 5 05:22:36 UTC 2011

On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 1:25 AM, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
> On 4 October 2011 20:12, Abhishek Dixit <abhidixit87 at> wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 7:02 PM, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
>>> On 4 October 2011 14:26, Abhishek Dixit <abhidixit87 at> wrote:
>>>> I am facing problem in using my internet so as per recommendations here
>>>> I have to change my DNS settings to
>>>> Open DNS
>>>> Preferred DNS Server:
>>>> Alternate DNS Server:
>>>> or Google DNS
>>>> Preferred DNS Server:
>>>> Alternate DNS Server:
>>>> here comes my problem,I went to wifi signal icon at top right hand
>>>> cornet adjacent to volume icon in tool bar upon clicking
>>>> edit connections-->wireless-->my connection
>>>> all the options with respect to settings were greyed out.So I could
>>>> not do it in GUI.
>>> On that dialog did you try to set the Method select box to 'Manual' or
>>> is this also greyed out?  That is on IPV4 tab.
>>> Colin
>>> --
>> Its greyed out.
> I don't know whether this is a valid question or not, but is the user
> you are logged on as an administrator?
I am logged in with the account which was created during the installation.
If this is different from admin account then what should I do?
I only have one user account on my system and I can do sudo on command
line with it to work.

> Alternatively, which version of Ubuntu are you using and is it all up
> to date?
It is 11.04

>Run Update Manager and click Check to see.  I ask this as
> there is at least one bug in Launchpad which sounds similar to your
> issue, but this was fixed some time ago.

Ok on my update manager following packages are to be updated

-> Safe and easy browser from Mozilla
-> Unity app menu integration for firefox
-> safe and easy browser from Mozilla -Gnome support
-> English language pack for firefox
-> enhanced multithread support syslogd
-> Ubuntu specific configuration defaults and apt support for firefox

I hope any of the above is irrelevant for my problem.Since the
connection is damn slow so downloading 17 Mb will take more than an

> Do you see the same issue on the wired connection?

No I do not see the same issue on the wired connection.

> On a side note I doubt very much if you will see any noticeable
> improvement using alternative DNS servers.

I understand.It might be poor quality of service by ISP but to be able
to debug it I noticed this.


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