how to change DNS settings network manager over writes every thing

Colin Law clanlaw at
Tue Oct 4 19:55:42 UTC 2011

On 4 October 2011 20:12, Abhishek Dixit <abhidixit87 at> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 7:02 PM, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
>> On 4 October 2011 14:26, Abhishek Dixit <abhidixit87 at> wrote:
>>> I am facing problem in using my internet so as per recommendations here
>>> I have to change my DNS settings to
>>> Open DNS
>>> Preferred DNS Server:
>>> Alternate DNS Server:
>>> or Google DNS
>>> Preferred DNS Server:
>>> Alternate DNS Server:
>>> here comes my problem,I went to wifi signal icon at top right hand
>>> cornet adjacent to volume icon in tool bar upon clicking
>>> edit connections-->wireless-->my connection
>>> all the options with respect to settings were greyed out.So I could
>>> not do it in GUI.
>> On that dialog did you try to set the Method select box to 'Manual' or
>> is this also greyed out?  That is on IPV4 tab.
>> Colin
>> --
> Its greyed out.

I don't know whether this is a valid question or not, but is the user
you are logged on as an administrator?

Alternatively, which version of Ubuntu are you using and is it all up
to date?  Run Update Manager and click Check to see.  I ask this as
there is at least one bug in Launchpad which sounds similar to your
issue, but this was fixed some time ago.

Do you see the same issue on the wired connection?

On a side note I doubt very much if you will see any noticeable
improvement using alternative DNS servers.


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