Unity ROCKS!!!

Goh Lip g.lip at gmx.com
Thu May 5 16:48:40 UTC 2011

On 05/05/2011 10:23 PM, Chhatoi Pritam Baral wrote:
>     On the other hand, after I installed to a thumb drive and on the
>     NVidia, update/upgrade and installed ubuntu-restricted extras
>     (that's all I did), on the same NVidia, it boots to Unity. Bring
>     that thumb drive to the ATI, it now boots to gnome2, complaining I
>     do not have the hardware resources to boot Unity.
> You say *"Installed"*, so, its no longer a Live OS. Upon installation,
> it configures its kernel modules as per the config at install time.
> Also, further actions as mentioned consolidate that particular
> configuration with nVidia. Essentially, it has been taught to use
> nVidia, not ATI. So when you boot it into ATI, it loads nVidia-centric
> graphic modules, thus probably cutting off some ATI functionality.
> Now that you have mentioned it, I wonder what would happen if I remove
> my HDD and boot it from another computer, with different configs!
> Regards,
> Chhatoi Pritam Baral
Yes, again I think you're right on the configuring part to nvidia, even 
if I did not install nvidia-current which I normally do to a hard disk 
installation. I installed some other ubuntu based (E17 enlightenment) 
distro to my thumb and I also don't install any proprietary driver and 
this works everywhere. That's why I mentioned this on the list. So yes, 
I think there may be some config issues if you move the HDD around.

Regards - Goh Lip

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