Reading CD & DVD discs => "Error File not found."

Colin Law clanlaw at
Tue Mar 29 15:27:14 UTC 2011

On 29 March 2011 16:07,  <jimkvg at> wrote:
> Thank you Colin,
>  Sorry, I misunderstood Chhatoi's message.  At that time I didn't think of
> myself as an user of my system - just one in the list of Ubuntu's users.  I
> am a solo user here.
>  Thank you Colin for the tip.  I logged myself out of the system to change
> it to another user as like a visitor, but I couldn't get into the new user
> system because my user name was the only one on the log-in list.  Guess I
> already told the system that I am a solo user.  Any more tips from you the
> readers?  Thank you.  Jim

Please don't top post it makes it difficult to follow the thread.
Insert your reply at the previous point in the message.  Thanks.
Also by top posting you are more likely not to fully take note of the
previous message, as has now happened twice.  See below

> You did not answer Chhatoi's question.  If you log on as a different
> user do you still see the problem?  If necessary create a new user to
> try it.  System > Administration > Users and Groups.

Please read the sentence above for how to add a new user.


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