Liam Proven lproven at
Sat Jan 29 18:48:11 UTC 2011

On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 11:38 PM, Doug <dmcgarrett at> wrote:
> On 01/28/2011 08:04 AM, Liam Proven wrote:
>> On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 1:34 AM, Doug<dmcgarrett at>  wrote:
>>> /snip/
>>>    Gmail is good and free and doesn't crud up your email with "features".
>>>    Select text mode in your Gmail setup. It just works.
>>>> My boss is tied in with this and I ~loathe~ it.<spits>    You'll never
>>>> make
>>>> it off the ground with that between you and collaborators. They'll go
>>>> crazy in short order and disappear. Ali, since you're not on the
>>>> receiving end of your email, you don't know.
>>> /snip/
>>> Several folks have complained on this and other lists, that they don't
>>> know
>>> if their mail is being received on the list, _because Gmail deletes those
>>> messages_ from the "received" mail.
>> *Sigh*
>> No, it doesn't. Please do not spread FUD when you clearly don't know
>> the exact details of what you're complaining about.
>> Gmail does not show you messages *from yourself* /until/ someone
>> replies to them. That's all. It does not delete anything and your
>> outgoing messages are still right there in your Sent folder.
>> No, I don't like the behaviour, but it doesn't delete anything.
> You didn't read what I wrote:

Yes, I did read it. I understood it. I am telling you that you are wrong.

> I said that Gmail deletes messages from
>  _received,_ i.e., incoming mail.

I know what you said. Gmail DOES NOT DELETE ANY OF YOUR MESSAGES.

Clear? It *does not delete your email.*

It does not /show/ it in a message list BUT IT IS STILL THERE and you
can see it in your Sent folder.

If it then puts them back if they are

Liam Proven • Info & profile:
Email: lproven at • GMail/GoogleTalk/Orkut: lproven at
Tel: +44 20-8685-0498 • Cell: +44 7939-087884 • Fax: + 44 870-9151419
AIM/Yahoo/Skype: liamproven • MSN: lproven at • ICQ: 73187508

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