MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at
Fri Jan 28 23:58:48 UTC 2011

On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 3:38 PM, Doug <dmcgarrett at> wrote:
> You didn't read what I wrote:  I said that Gmail deletes messages from
>  _received,_ i.e., incoming mail.  If it then puts them back if they are
> replied to, that doesn't solve any problem, nor does it solve any
> problem if they are saved in an "outgoing mail" folder.  What the
> OP wants to know is if they _ever got received by the list_ even if
> nobody replies to them, and as far as I understand it, Gmail does not
> show those messages.  If I misunderstand, I apologise.

This is getting a little off-topic (okay, a lot), but IIRC there is a
setting in the subscription controls that determines whether or not a
subscriber receives copies of his/her own postings.

Unfortunately, when I went to the link that (will) appear(s) at the
bottom of this email, I did not see a link from there to be able to
manage my subscription and, thus, cannot prove this.

However, I can definitively state that none of the emails I have sent
to this or any other list have come back to me and been deleted by
gmail - unless they are deleted higher up the email chain and I don't
get them at all.  This is what I would expect from the list mail
facility, but not anyone between them and me (i.e., gmail).

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