Skype won't work Creative Live! Cam Vista IM

Nils Kassube kassube at
Thu Dec 29 16:38:53 UTC 2011

jimkvg at wrote:
> Although I could watch the other end on Skype in my screen, but I
> wasn't shown on it.  Skype won't work Creative Live! Cam Vista IM.  I
> opened 'Options' to Video part and tried the black square for test.
> The name of the cam appeared in the box ok, but test didn't come on
> when I clicked on it.  I googled for troubleshooting tips and all I
> got did not solve the problem. I noticed in the Ubuntu Software
> Centre's reviews that Skype should work good in Ubuntu 11.10.  Did I
> miss something?  Please help?  Thank you.  Jim
> PS I use Ubuntu 11.10 64bits. guvcview and Cheese Webcam Booth both
> work fine.

Install the package "libv4l-0" and start skype with the command

LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/ skype

in a terminal. 


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