Keeping focused to the same window no matter what happens

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at
Mon Dec 26 10:29:58 UTC 2011

2011/12/26 Basil Chupin <blchupin at>:
> On 26/12/11 20:40, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
>> Den 25 december 2011 22:55 skrev Conny Enström<uncurbed at>:
>>> 2011-12-25 22:16, Johnny Rosenberg skrev:
>>>> Is this possible? How?
>>>> Maybe I should try to explain what I'm actually asking for:
>>>> In all operating systems I've tried so far in my life (Windows 98-XP,
>>>> Ubuntu 7.04-11.10, Mandriva 2008.0-2009.0, Mint etc), there is one
>>>> thing that annoys me a lot. Let's say that I just started up the
>>>> operating system. Then I click a few icons to start a few applications
>>>> that I usually need for the things I use to do. It's generally a web
>>>> browser (Opera in my case), a spreadsheet application (LibreOffice
>>>> Calc for instance) and maybe something more. Of course one of the
>>>> applications, let's say Opera, are finished starting up before the
>>>> others and I start to work with it. A few seconds later another
>>>> application, let's say LibreOffice Calc, is ready to go. What happens
>>>> then is that what I was typing in Opera is typed into LibreOffice Calc
>>>> instead.
>>>> Is there some way to prevent this from happening? I am supposed to be
>>>> the one who decides which window should be in focus on my system, not
>>>> the operating system or any of the applications. Is there a setting
>>>> somewhere that I missed?
>>>> Kind regards
>>>> Johnny Rosenberg
>>>> ジョニー・ローゼンバーグ
>>> kanske detta/ Maybe this:
>> Maybe as a solution if nothing else works (nödlösning…), but I don't
>> want it minimized, I just want it keeping behind the current window
>> until I decide to use it.
>> A really nice thing would be if I could start different applications
>> on different virtual desktops, still keeping the focus at what I am
>> currently doing.
>> Actually I'm quite surprised that this isn't the standard behaviour as
>> default (keeping focus on what the user is currently doing), because
>> does really anyone want to be interrupted by a newly opened
>> application?
>> Vänliga hälsningar
>> Johnny Rosenberg
>> ジョニー・ローゼンバーグ
> I can  only guess that you are using either Unity or Gnome 3 or poor-man's
> Gnome

Ubuntu 10.10 at the moment, so yes, it's Gnome 2.

> because I am using KDE and at them moment I have 6 desktops/workspaces
> and each one contains a running application - eg, Thunderbird, Firefox, a
> Game, LibreOffice, mc (Midnight Commander), and vlc (was watching Futurama a
> few minutes ago on TV).

Well, I have 16 workspaces (setup via Compiz-Fusion) and the most
common is that I use 3 or 4 of those, maybe 1-3 different applications
on each one, so it's not exactly the same as yours but fairly similar.

> All running and none interfere with the other. I
> simply switch between them as I want.

I do that too. No problems at all.

> Isn't this what you are wanting to do? If so then switch to KDE - simple.

Yes, I do that all the time without any kinds of problems, EXCEPT the
one that I described (or failed to describe?) earlier.

Maybe you understand my problem very accurately, but to be sure, try
the example below in your situation and tell me what happens:

1. Run everything that you usually run, just like always, except LibreOffice.
2. If you have an icon on your desktop for a LibreOffice document,
spreadsheet or whatever, preferably a huge one, click (or double
click, depending on your settings) it to open it with LibreOffice.
3. Since it takes a while to open LibreOffice from scratch, especially
with a huge document, go back to one of your other windows and
continue working there.
4. When LibreOffice is finally running and the document is loaded,
does it not take focus from what you were doing?

In my case it even opens on my current workspace even if I was on
another workspace when clicking the icon.

> BC
> --
> There are actually three kinds of mind: one kind grasps things unaided, the
> second sees what another has grasped, the third grasps nothing and sees
> nothing.
>             Niccolo Machiavelli

There are also three kinds of people: Those who can count and those who can't.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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