Xournal: how to use for an existing pdf?

Amedee Van Gasse amedee-ubuntu at amedee.be
Wed Dec 7 00:05:45 UTC 2011

On Tue, December 6, 2011 20:57, DEF wrote:

> There could be many other reasons for editing a pdf like completing a form
> that is supplied as pdf instead of printing out and using a typewriter or
> block letters (as the requirement might be).

That's what fillable PDF forms are for: the author of the PDF file
provides special fields that may be filled in by the user. No need to edit
the file.

Here's what Adobe writes about PDF Forms:
Watch how it works:

If the author of the PDF is too stupid or too negligent to provide actual
form fields in what is supposed to be a PDF form, then blame the author.
You'll have to use one of the clumsy workarounds described in this topic.
I suggest that you complain about this to the PDF author.

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