apt-get: fix deps after a dist-upgrade with ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Aug 30 00:55:15 UTC 2011

On 08/29/2011 05:28 PM, Jordon Bedwell wrote:
> On 08/29/2011 06:36 PM, NoOp wrote:
>>>> As I mentioned "Sorry, I was testing Oneiric at the time I responded".
>>>> So I mistakenly stated that gnome-panel was not installed by default in
>>>> Natty. It is not installed by default in Oneiric.
>>> "how is it possible that gnome-panel isn't installed? when i installed
>>> natty gnome-panel was installed." -- The OP
>>> Your oops stupid moment does not solve his problem, and repeating your
>>> statement does nothing more then try to take the mick of me... that
>>> statement drew off yours onto his problem. I could care less if you
>>> can't figure out what version of Ubuntu you are on... so you can stand
>>> there upset thinking I was taking mick (when I wasn't at all) or you can
>>> realise that I was attempting to help him figure out why gnome-panel was
>>> not installed for him automatically because that is a problem that I am
>>> interested in, I would like to know if it was a fluke, a problem with
>>> ppa-purge or if there really is a dependency problem that needs to be
>>> addressed.
>> Having a bad comprehension day are you? I reckon you might want to
>> re-read all of the above. Then take a walk and clear your muddled head.
> There is no comprehension issue on my end, if his email went to spam,
> and it was not there, as I did not see it in my spam folder upon a
> subject search, then there is a issue yes, but not a comprehension
> issue.  If you were quoting one of his replies on his behalf without an
> attribution that is a comprehension issue created by your lack of proper
> attributing so one would automatically assume you were quoting yourself,
> but that can't be the case because reading over gname shows that I
> properly comprehended and replied to everything just skipping a direct
> reply to him and flowing off you onto him.  Ignoring context somewhat
> yes, but so be it since I was trying to help with his issue, it was lazy
> helping, but hopefully he will reply to it with what I want to know.
> I think you might want to read my reply again?  As the last email I see
> from him on this subject (with broken quoting mind you) says: "how is it
> possible that gnome-panel isn't installed? when i installed natty
> gnome-panel was installed."  As shown here:
> http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.user/247840
> While my reply was harsh yes, it was not improper either, as I still do
> not care if you had any issue understanding what version of Ubuntu you
> are/where or are going to be on when you reply and make replies to a
> subject, and I do and will not care if you had an oops stupid moment
> because that is your problem. I only care that gnome-panel was NOT
> properly installed for him, and I would like to know more about it so
> that I can help with HIS issue.

Jordon I'll try to make this simple. You did not quote the OP in your
reply to me, you only quoted:

> On 08/29/2011 04:06 PM, NoOp wrote:
>> > Sorry, I was testing Oneiric at the time I responded. gnome-panel has
>> > been moved to universe in 11.10:
>> > http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gnome-panel
> As for it not being reinstalled automatically, that sounds to me like it
> could be a dependency issue, since gnome-session has it as a dependency
> and so does Ubuntu desktop, I haven't played with 11.04 much so I would
> have to get on my netbook to see if that is the case for 11.04 because I
> refuse to use anything but LTS on my personal desktop. With the push to
> Unity depends could have clearly changed drastically to minimise clutter
> in post-install package management.
> What does "apt-cache rdepends gnome-panel" tell you on 11.04?

You were replying to *me* and not to the OP. I simply *clarified* that
I'd made a mistake when I told the OP that:

>> >> This is a good idea; now i'm trying with
gnome-desktop-environment, if i'll
> > have other problems i'll refer to that list.
> > how is it possible that gnome-panel isn't installed? when i
installed natty
> > gnome-panel was installed.
Sorry, I was testing Oneiric at the time I responded. gnome-panel has
been moved to universe in 11.10:

Now get off your high friggen horse, cool your jets & if you want to
continue you know my off-list email address is. This list gets enough
crap without you getting all puffed up about nothing.

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