<OT> ubuntu bad press

Jordon Bedwell jordon at envygeeks.com
Mon Aug 29 22:55:18 UTC 2011

On 08/29/2011 05:44 PM, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Aug 2011 16:39:44 -0500
> Jordon Bedwell <jordon at envygeeks.com> didst polemicize thusly:
>> Nah, it was a misinterpreted statement.  Sometimes like what happens
>> to me, he said this when he meant that.  In short what he really
>> meant is if you're a terrorist or you support terrorism, or you
>> terrorise people (not like we do, where we troll them,) he doesn't
>> want you around his OS at all.  There is a blog post where he
>> clarifies it to somebody who emailed him about it.
> Absolutely incorrect.  See:
> http://abriefhistory.org/?p=774
> He is just and only a bigot caught at his bigotry and trying
> desperately to distance himself from it.

Incorrect or are you being subjective and purposely contexting things in
a way to make him look bad? You might have missed the link to the right
(on the same site, on the same page you read):

"Bradley: Yes. I know this was confusing because of the wording I used
in my initial post and that was a mistake. I have no issue with people
disagreeing with me. My real aversion is to see horrible things
happening and to think that I can be working in harmony or doing
business with people directly involved in them. If you disagree with me
that’s fair enough, everybody have their own opinions. Now of course if
you’re directly involved in cruel actions and terrorism (either on one
side or another), you do what you want but I’m not sure I want to
receive your money, your help or anything of the sort. That’s only fair
and the difference here is that I don’t only see terrorism on the
Palestinian side, I see it used by the Israeli army as well."



I mean yeah I could be reading into it wrong, but from what I gathered
of my own interpretation is that he just doesn't want terrorists helping
with or using Linux mint, his original wording was just rather harsh and
called directly to because it happened to be in the moment sort of thing.

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