Internet based file server.

Eero Volotinen eero.volotinen at
Sun Aug 28 15:17:22 UTC 2011

2011/8/28 Wipe_Out <wipe_out at>:
> Hi,
> There are lots of internet based file storage services popping up.. Some
> making the internet server look and feel like a normal file server..
> I wan't to attempt setting something like this up for our use..
> Typically you setup shared storage on the network and access it through
> CIFS/Samba from Windows PC's.. This is fine in the office but when the
> laptop is taken home there is no access..
> If something was setup that was accesses in the same way locally as remotely
> (some form of internet service accessed by FQDN or URL) then it would be the
> same as what these services are offering..
> So the question.. What protocol would be best?
> Options are FTP, Webdav or SCP as far as I can see..
> FTP is insecure and I am not familiar with setting up SSL secured FTP..
> Webdav seems like a good option because from the looks of it a simple SSL
> site configuration is all that would be needed to access the webdav storage
> securely..
> SCP is probably the most secure but not natively supported by windows in
> order to simply map a drive..
> Have I left anything out?? Is anyone doing anything like this?? Where am I
> going to get stuck??

webdav on https is the easiest solution for windows or samba over
pptp-vpn connection.


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