thanks fedora

Vaibhav Dalvi vaibhav.dlv at
Thu Sep 23 04:52:10 UTC 2010

On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 3:30 AM, Robert Holtzman <holtzm at> wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 01:26:30PM +0530, Tanmoy Chatterjee wrote:


> First, clamav doesn't remove viruses. If you run it from a terminal with
> the "--remove" option it will remove/delete infected files. That means
> the *whole* file, not just the virus. If that is a system file you may not
> be able to boot the computer.
> Second, I doubt that the light on the pen drive remaining on is a virus.
> What makes you think it is?
> --
> Bob Holtzman

 I completely agree. "Safely remove" is a lifesaver for me. You see because
I work on Arm-Linux stuff I'm always moving 2-3GB images around on SD Cards.
And in some cases the SD's have 2-3 partitions. Also are the portable HDD's
we use around here. My own WD320GB PHDD has 4 partitions. So using Nautilus
it becomes annoying to unmount each and every of them.
But with "Safely Remove " just couple of clicks and voilla! Yeah, I can open
a console and type $*sudo umount /dev/sdb*.* But it's annoying **to open a
console and type a command just to remove a device - which I can do from the
already open nautilus in couple of clicks. Also I get to see a 'syncing'
dialog box, so I know that the buffers are getting emptied.

Vaibhav Dalvi
*Thoughts lead on to purposes; purposes go forth in action; actions form
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