thanks fedora

Tanmoy Chatterjee tachchot007 at
Thu Sep 23 15:23:23 UTC 2010

On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 3:30 AM, Robert Holtzman <holtzm at> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 01:26:30PM +0530, Tanmoy Chatterjee wrote:
>            ..........snip..........
>> Insertion of my PD in an USB port, always starts with a glowing tiny
>> lamp inside the PD which implies the device is active. Now in the
>> windows I used to select the "safely remove" option for PD. Then the
>> light in the PD gets off and I remove it manually from the port. After
>> my use of the PD in cyber-cafe it gets infected with some viruses and
>> Trozans. Then even after selecting safely remove the light in the PD
>> doesn't get off, which give me the suspicion of active viruses in the
>> back-ground.
>> After I had started using UBUNTU 9.04, I used clamav to remove all the
>> viruses from the PD and then select the "UNMOUNT" option to remove the
>> PD. But in this case I found the light in the PD was still glowing,
>> though there is no viruses in the PD anymore.i
> First, clamav doesn't remove viruses. If you run it from a terminal with
> the "--remove" option it will remove/delete infected files. That means
> the *whole* file, not just the virus. If that is a system file you may not
> be able to boot the computer.
First, thanks for your opinion. I follow the man pages to run the
clamav - so after it reports about the infected files - I copy the
file names in my /home then remove the infected files.
After that I check the PD and don't find those files there and running
clamav again gives zero infected files list. So, I presume the PS is
virus free.
> Second, I doubt that the light on the pen drive remaining on is a virus.
> What makes you think it is?
Secondly, when I used my newly bought PD in windows - with the
selection of 'safely remove' option the light on the PD gets off -
implying the device is now ready to manually remove from the usb port.
But after my PD gets infected with a trozan and other viruses( like
"hinhem.scr) two things happened - one I can't open the "command
prompt" in windows and the other is the PD light keeps glowing even
after selecting the "safely remove" option. Most probably it also
comes with a warning message too - that some process/operation is
still running. This makes me think that the hidden process might be
some kind of virus as there is no operation pending with the PD to my
After removing the infected files from the PD and using it in Ubuntu
9.04 and Fedora 13 - gives me two types of result - "unmount" in
Ubuntu keeps the light on - "safely remove" in Fedora switch off the
light (implying the device.....) and I once again experienced my PD as
I had experienced it when it was new.
> Bob Holtzman
> Key ID: 8D549279
> "If you think you're getting free lunch,
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