Checking hard disk with fsck

Li Li lili_lilly at
Fri Oct 29 02:23:23 UTC 2010

On Fri, 2010-10-29 at 11:57 +1100, Basil Chupin wrote:
>  Considering that the same device, 
> which I use, has always been recognised by all other Linux distros I 
> thought that I would download and install Knoppix to see for myself. I 
> installed Knoppix 6.2.

You don't install it!  Well, you can, but then you just get a somewhat
broken Debian and Klaus says "why not just use Debian?"  It is meant to
be used as a liveCD or as I do with the contents of the DVD written to
HD and a persistent home image file.

I used this system for a while to thwart an employer's demand that only
Windows 2000 be used on company-issued laptops.  The IT guys couldn't
see (or more likely chose to overlook) the little ext2 partition I made
for my persistent Knoppix.
> Knoppix did NOT recognise my printers, my scanner nor my external USB 
> HD. It didn't even know the "lshw" command - "no such command found". 
> And even though it would connect to the Knoppix home page with its 
> built-in browser it "told" me that it couldn't upgrade the system 
> because I didn't have an internet connection.

It sees all my stuff and always has.  It has long been famous for
excellent hardware detection and good error messages when it sees but
can't cope with something, which in my experience is very rare.  You
must have done something weirdly wrong. 

The menus have always been messy and the locked-up root, creating and
defaulting to new users can be annoying, but it is still the gold
standard for general purpose liveCDs.  The authors of the Wikipedia
article agree with me:

The copy of the O'Reilly book "Knoppix Hacks" by Kyle Rankin I have is
dated 2005, so it is akin to ancient scrolls now; Amazon says there's a
newer edition from 2007.  Very helpful.

godbless --everyone --no-exceptions
Linux 2.6.35-22-generic Linux Mint 10 Julia, Gnome 2.32.0

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