Laptop hangs with kernel 2.6.35-22 but not with 2.6.32-25...

Gilles Gravier ggravier at
Fri Oct 22 10:04:29 UTC 2010

I did this. I got about 10 lines of log, none of which actually look
like errors, before the machine hung...


On 20/10/2010 16:08, Jordon Bedwell wrote:
> On 10/20/2010 08:46 AM, Gilles Gravier wrote:
>> Hi gang!
>> I've an OLD HP OmniBook XE3 which worked well with 10.04
>> I updated to 10.10.
>> When I boot the machine with kernel 2.6.32-25-generic, it works
>> nicely... everything perfectly.
>> If I boot with kernel 2.6.35-22 it hangs during boot (and sometimes
>> displayes a whole list of text diags on the console if it didn't hang
>> during graphics state).
>> Any idea what may be wrong? Any suggestions as to what kind of settings
>> to play with at boot time that may have an impact difference between the
>> 2 kernels?
> Try to enable boot logging so you can give us more information:
> sudo touch /var/log/boot
> sudo echo 'BOOTLOGD_ENABLE=yes' > /etc/default/bootlogd
> Please don't post the entire console output, just grep it and see if you
> can't find the error that is causing your terminal to pop up when you're
> booting and then post that specific information to us.  With splash the
> console should normally only show when there is an error, most people
> don't catch that error in time.
> My assumption is this could possibly be a graphics issue.  Won't know
> for sure though until we get some more information because as I'm sure
> you might know "it hangs" can literally mean a million and one different
> causes.

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