Unity Borked?

clintin at linuxmail.org clintin at linuxmail.org
Wed Oct 13 16:12:26 UTC 2010

 I just did a fresh install of Netbook Unity 10.10 Unity on my Dell Inspiron 10.1.  Unity desktop will not run due to the now infamous 3D "driver" not found issue and then when I tried to do updates (there are 45 MB of updates already including a new kernel and a unity update, neither of which did me any good and it took three tries in the Update Manager (including one lockup) to get the new kernel installed.

I would have though that with Dell being one of the strongest vendor supporters of Ubuntu Linux, Unity would at least run on their netbooks. My netbook is probably a year old in design since it came with WindowsXP installed (preferred) and it was fresh out of the box in May of this year.

Any thoughts on this issue? 


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